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Sonny Behan, also known as Sonny Sundancer, is an acclaimed artist renowned for his magnificent large-scale wildlife murals and intricately detailed oil paintings. His art, which seamlessly blends realism with abstraction, can be found in galleries and streets worldwide, from South Africa to New York.


His bold use of color and dynamic compositions capture the movement of the animals he brings to life.


Born in the UK, Sonny was raised in South Africa from the age of ten, a time that first sparked his passion for wildlife. His global mural tour and solo exhibition in New York in 2018 marked the beginning of a meteoric rise, leading to an increasing demand for his art. Since then Sonny has expanded his artistic repertoire to include intricate bronze sculptures, including a large-scale public sculpture at the United Nations HQ in NYC.


Sonny’s passion for using his creativity to highlight the need to protect and preserve the natural world has earned him the reputation of being an artist who is deeply engaged and driven to make an impact. To this end, he has collaborated with prominent non-profits and organisations such as World Wildlife Fund, United Nations, UNICEF, IFAW, Global Citizen and Discovery Inc., to create public art installations and campaigns to raise awareness for conservation efforts.


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