PANG is a hugely talented street artist, best known for her mix of classical and Graffiti painting, her iconic style is instantly recognisable.
PANG: 'I like to imagine Rembrandt and a graffiti writer sitting and having a conversation together, and what they might say to each other. Would they be bewildered or intrigued? As artists, and indeed humans, there would be much to exchange and learn from one other.'
Born in London in 1984, PANG is a London based artist working across several mediums. She attended the Charles Cecil painting atelier in Florence, and has exhibited in London, Berlin, New York, Vienna, Stockholm and Murcia.
Her public interventions have shaped an ongoing dialogue between Graffiti and classical painting:
PANG: 'As the distinction between Graffiti and Street Art remains blurry, the figure drawing over my work represents the ongoing tension between “Street Artists” and “Graffiti Writers”, and the struggle that can also be found defining the line between art and vandalism.'