FEB 10TH - FEB 20TH 2022

Like an urban archaeologist, Perishable Rush uncovers hidden treasure from the city wasteland. He collects paper, paint and plastic material from beaches and streets and painstakingly assembles it as an archaeologist would a skeleton, however his creations are new and entirely unique. His collages stare back at us, alluring while unveiling a darker truth about our throw away culture and what we live with as normal.
‘UNMASKED’ will be the debut UK solo exhibition by Dutch collage Street Artist, Perishable Rush at BSMT, co-curated by Olly Studio.
The show will feature the torn paper masks that we have come to recognise through his street work, they play with iconic silhouettes in a witty and tactile way. ‘UNMASKED’ will also feature a departure from strictly paper works collected from old street posters to include new mediums and meanings.
Originally scheduled for 2020, the exhibition had to be postponed due to the travel restrictions imposed by the pandemic. This 18-month delay has had an extraordinaryb effect on the artist's practice which has since evolved into sculptural work made from manipulated shards and chips of paint collected from the ground around the murals and layered graffiti walls of the city. New ‘Wasteland’ plastic masks will also be on display, constructed from discarded plastic material as if creating an armour of camouflage suitable for the urban environment.
“[The pandemic] has been a blessing and a curse. A time to reset and rethink. But also, a time where the world stopped, and you were forced to question everything that used to be normal.” -Perishable Rush